Wednesday 24 October 2007

No tourists 2007

Janes Intelligence Report has a short piece on the decline of trafic through Rafic Hariri International Airport (RHIA).

"According to the Lebanese Ministry of Tourism, the number of visitors dropped from 630,804 between January and June 2006 to 412,041 in the same period this year. RHIA has consequently seen a 20-25 per cent drop in passengers compared to 2006, with only half of the facility's six million annual capacity being used."

1 comment:

Marta said...

as a western european I can tell why we don´t travel to Syria or Lebanon... The travel agencies don´t organise nice circuits to both countries..I recently search out a trip to Syria and I found just one agency that would go was a great trip, but almost 2500 euros/ about 2300´s just too expense for us..we can travel to Marroco, Tunisia or Egypt and spend about 500/600 euros!

nice blog :)