Friday, 10 August 2007
Decentering Damascus
A great blog from a sister in Syria
She runs the statement (in Arabic) signed by the Angry Arab, among others, on the scapegoating and racism directed at Armenians following the defeat of the governing bloc in the Metn bi-elections. Apparently the Armenians are to blame for the fact that the majority of Christians rejected the phalange and all their works.
Or maybe people just didn't want to vote for a buch of sectarian murderers and thieves? Just a wild guess.
Posted by Design at 22:47 1 comments
Nahr el-Bared
Our work with the campaign continues on a daily basis on Bourj al Barajneh, Mar Elias, Shatila, and Badawi refugee camps. We continue to distribute hygiene kits to families every week in the Beirut-area camps and are the only group who has consistently kept up the pace with this work.
Our food distribution has been streamlined to alternate among the other various Beirut-area camp organizations providing food parcels to families; this week we will pack and distribute food as well in Beirut.
In Badawi we continue to work with our partners who are giving out clothing, medicine, and fresh fruits and vegetables to families from Nahr el Bared
Posted by Design at 17:14 1 comments
Enlightenment 1895
"A woman is not lower in rank [than a man]. This is particularly obvious after science and enlightenment has uncovered the true and natural position of a woman, her capacities and mental prowess and her ability to [do] all that a man practices."
Salma Kalila writing in the magazine Lubnan in 1895
Woman in traditional clothing, Lebanon, 1880.
Picture: Bonfils, Marie-Lydie (Salam, Nawaf Collection Copyright © Arab Image Foundation)
Posted by Design at 00:01 0 comments
Thursday, 9 August 2007
No to the WTO
Attac Lebanon are holding a No to WTO protest in Gemayze. The alter-globalization group is calling for a mobilisation against the WTO fair being held in Beirut between Saturday 11 August at 6:00pm to Tuesday 11 September 2007 at 12:00am.
Click on header to link to Attac website or call 03509939 for more info.
Posted by Design at 09:34 0 comments
Wednesday, 8 August 2007
A battle between rich and poor
"I have looked at the world with an objective eye and found it to be a major battlefield between the rich and the poor, the strong and the weak."
Yusuf Ibrahim Yazbak (1901-1982) One of the founders of the communist movement in Lebanon. From the article "Socialism in Lebanon" published in al-Sahafi al-Ta˓eh newspaper, 5 May 1923
Click on header to read the first chapter of The Communist Movement in Syria and Lebanon, by Tareq Y. Ismael and Jacqueline S. Ismael
A crowd watches the roadblocks burn, Beirut, 23 January 2007. Thousands of Lebanese demonstrators blocked main roads in the capital and around the country, burning rubble and tyres, protesting against the government. The strike was abandoned in the afternoon. (Picture: Irin)
Posted by Design at 16:41 0 comments
Labels: Lebanon
Tuesday, 7 August 2007
Reasons to be cheerful—part two
Gemayel supporters show their colours before their election defeat in the Metn district. The Lebanese fascists were unable to win in their heartland despite the bag loads of cash from the US and threat against their opponents in the FPM.
They blamed their defeat on the Armenians.
Professor Joshua Landis gives his take on the result.
Click on the header for link
Posted by Design at 13:40 1 comments
Modernism 1927
To the right: Rafat Mardam Bey. Lebanon/Dhour Choueir, 15/9/1927
Mardam Bey, Hala Collection
Copyright © Arab Image Foundation
Posted by Design at 00:17 0 comments
Monday, 6 August 2007
Peasant children
Children of peasants. Lebanon, 1915 - 1920
Fouad el-Khoury Collection
Copyright © Arab Image Foundation
Posted by Design at 23:51 0 comments
Reasons to be cheerful—part one
Background to the defeat of March 14 block in the Metn elections
Posted by Design at 20:12 0 comments
Robert Fisk on false representation of Hezbollah
Robert Fisk on the Lebanese impass
Posted by Design at 19:45 1 comments
Lebanese Forces
Lebanese Forces attack supporters of Michel Auon in the Metn
Posted by Design at 19:38 0 comments
Lebanon in Scotland
Cluster bombs—the deadly legacy of Israel's war on Lebanon (picture: Irin)
It is now one year since the Israeli bombardment of Lebanon. Much of the infrastructure of the south – bridges, roads, power stations, businesses and homes – was wiped out.
Thousands of innocent people were killed.
All with the full support of the British and US governments. Tony Blair and George Bush ignored the world (once again) and blocked the international call for a ceasefire at the UN, EU and G8.
Israeli troops were finally driven out of the country by the popular resistance of the Lebanese people, led by Hizbollah, but not before Israel dropped over a million cluster bombs in the last few days before a ceasefire was reached.
Glasgow Stop the War Coalition, Glasgow Lebanese community and Landmine Action are organising an event to mark the war with speakers and discussion.
Sunday 12 August
Charles Wilson building
(corner of Gibson Street & University Avenue)
Among the guests are Azzam Tamimi from the Institute of Islamic Political Thought; Caoimhe Butterly, the Irish antiwar activist who heckled Tony Blair's press conference in Lebanon last summer; Nicola Fisher, Chair of Glasgow Stop the War Coalition and human rights lawyer Aamer Anwar
Plus speakers from Landmine Action, Scottish Labour Party, Scottish Nationalist Party and others.
If you would like to help spread the word about this event
call 0044 7952 452 906.
Posted by Design at 19:33 0 comments
Labels: Lebanon